Tag archive for AKC


Never feed your dog these common household foods: CHOCOLATE | GRAPES & RAISINS | MACADAMIA NUTS | ONIONS & GARLIC & CHIVES & LEEKS | XYLITOL  With Halloween coming up, and all sorts of treats in homes – this is an opportune time to review…

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AKC Yellow Labrador Puppies Are Here!

We’re thrilled to announce Daisy gave birth to a healthy litter of 10 pups! These AKC yellow Labrador puppies will be excellent hunting and family companions. The Sire, Doubleplay Mandigo Kingmaker’s “Colt”, CGC is a gorgeous “English” featured A.K.C. certified yellow Labrador Retriever of superior intelligence, disposition, conformation, and…

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AKC Blue Ribbon for Canine Good Citizen

Last weekend, at a BigD HRC sponsored event, Colt earned his Canine Good Citizen award, establishing his newest moniker – Doubleplay Mandigo Kingmaker’s Colt, CGC. What is the Good Canine Citizen Award? The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) program, established in 1989, is an American Kennel Club program to promote…

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